"The flexibility and sturdy compact always ready shooting platform just makes sense for anyone looking for accuracy. Having Swagger on your gun or shotgun gives you so many options that makes filling tags easier".
- Michael Waddell, Bone Collector

"Swagger Bipods are hands down the most versatile bipods I’ve ever used! When predator hunting, you’re often presented with very challeninging shots. No matter the situation, Swagger Bipods give you the ability to maneuver into any shooting position and you’ll be rock solid when you’re ready to take the shot".
- Jon Collins, Tooth and Claw TV

"I was skeptical several years ago when I first put my hands on this product. I based my expectations off of everything I had previously encountered when using other brands of bipods. I was quickly swayed once I realized how much more this product offered than that of a standard ordinary bipod. As of 2019 every firearm I take to the field is accompanied by Swagger. Once you learn how to use this product, attempting to compare it to another bipod is a waste of breath. There is no comparison!
Heath Graham
Co-Host StruttinBuck

“If you know me, you know I’m not a gadget person. I have items in my pack I’ve been carrying for almost twenty years. Why? Because they work! Well once in a great while something will come out that I think is worthy of a try. That product for me was the Swagger Bipod. This has changed the way I am able to hunt in the field. I can adjust each leg to different heights by simply turning a knob and the bipod to two modes, rigid and flexible. In the rigid mode I can lock it off on flat ground and use it like a traditional bipod. In the flexible mode I can move the bipod in any situation on any terrain and still be able to have a steady shot. The legs can also be brought into your body for a very sturdy off-hand shooting position. Heck, I have shot a bear at 456 yards in a prone position as well as a deer at 140 yards off hand by using the Swagger legs against my body. Then the Swagger Bipod slips into a protective shell and can be put away until your next moment of truth. This is not just a gadget for me — this is a very important tool that I don’t leave home without.”
Kenneth Lancaster
Host of The Given Right

“The very first time I used a Swagger Bipod, I was sold! Sitting on a hillside in New Zealand, one that I had just climbed hand over hand, I was able to use the Crazy Legs technology to get a rock solid rest on terrain that wasn’t exactly shooter friendly. Whether on the side of a mountain or 20-feet up a tree, Swagger allows for a rock steady rest no matter the circumstances.”
Mark Heck
Co-Host of The Given Right

"In 2018 I used the Swaggers for the first time and let's just say the results speak for themselves! I was set up on an opening in the timber for 20 minutes on the Swaggers on the side of a hill and when the bull made the fatal mistake of appearing in my scope, I put 3 shots in the boilermaker in 30 seconds at 328 yards away on this DIY WY elk hunt. Never have I been that steady on an animal at that range from a bipod or shooting stick."
Brandon Mason, Eastmans' Hunting Journal

“I stopped in your headquarters in June while coaching a team at national 4-H shooting sports meet and picked up a bipod. Today I was out and came across some elk, stalked into 230 yards. I had to belly crawl to get there. Your bipod allowed me to stay low and get the shot in the rain with a 28 mile per hour cross wind. With a standard bipod I'd have been to high for the wind on me and the angle of the shot. I'm sold, 3 more are coming for my wife and 2 kids. Awesome product.”
Jason F.

This young man is becoming a hunter and making his dad proud. At 8 yrs old the Hunter 42 is the perfect height for him to stand and truly shoot with confidence. This was a fast and furious spot and stalk to with in 60 yards and the deal was done.

Thanks for and amazing product. I simply love it and could not ask for a better way to stabilize my shot. Especially tonight with my buck of a life time
Matt from Kentucky

“Thanks for an awesome product that allowed me and my father to harvest some beautiful animals!!!”
Erik Coolridge

Love this bipod. Allowed me to shoot my biggest deer to date this year. I have been telling everyone about them since. Thanks and keep up the innovation.
Jeremy DeHerrera

Connor got it done this morning on a nice Tennessee doe 110 yard shot, dropped her in her tracks. This is one of your early bipods yall kinda sent us to promote and we have used them ALOT deer and coyote hunting...be lost without them! Thank yall for everything, we've turned alot of folks on to swagger bipods in the last year or so and i hope its helped you guys move a great product
Brian Edwards

Nothing beats a swagger bipod. Since switching to swagger bipods my kill numbers have risen drastically. 👍👍
James Campbell

Put the smack on this aoudad using my 300 win with swagger bipod.
Abel Alvarez

I had always read good things and liked the idea of the flexibility that a swagger bipod gives you. Having some young children that will start shooting out of a blind soon, I was bouncing around the idea of buying a Swagger to use for deer hunting and also some predator hunting. My good friend Tyler, a cameraman from The Given Right had a set that he offered to lend me for my shotgun hunt in Illinois to see what I thought. When the opportunity came to take a shot at my 175” 12 pointer out of a treestand, the feeling was incredible when I was able to make a perfect shot and drop him in his tracks by using the Swagger pulled back against my left hip. Thank you for an incredible tool to make my hunt more successful!

Without Swagger my daughter could not have maneuvered to get into position to take the buck of a lifetime! Swagger allowed her to handle my heavy muzzleloader with ease.